Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Natural Law: or the Science of Justice: A Treatise on Natural Law, Natural Justice, Natural Rights, Natural Liberty, and Natural Society; showing that all Legislation whatsoever is an Absurdity, a Usurpation, and a Crime.

By Lysander Spooner. (1882).


Edited by Tim Wingate Th.D.  This version is faithful to the original text with some rearranging, clarifying, and updating to 21st Century language, grammar, and syntax.


Section I.

Justice --- is the science of all human rights; of all a man's rights of person and property; of all his rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


·        It is the science that alone can tell any man what he can, and cannot, do; what he can, and cannot, have; what he can, and cannot, say, without infringing the rights of any other person.

·        It is the science of peace; and the only science of peace; since it is the science that alone can tell us under what conditions mankind can live in peace, or ought to live in peace, with each other.


Men living in contact with each other cannot avoid learning Natural Law, to a very great extent, even if they would. The dealings of men with men, their separate possessions and their individual wants, and the disposition of every man to demand, and insist upon, whatever he believes to be his due, and to resent and resist all invasions of what he believes to be his rights, are continually forcing upon their minds the questions, Is this act just? or is it unjust? Is this thing mine? or is it his? These are questions of Natural Law; questions which, in regard to the great mass of cases, are answered alike by the human mind everywhere. [1]


Children learn the fundamental principles of Natural Law at a very early age. Thus they very early understand that one child must not, without just cause, strike or otherwise hurt, another; that one child must not assume any arbitrary control or domination over another; that one child must not, either by force, deceit, or stealth, obtain possession of anything that belongs to another; that if one child commits any of these wrongs against another, it is not only the right of the injured child to resist, and, if need be, punish the wrongdoer, and compel him to make reparation, but that it is also the right, and the moral duty, of all other children, and all other persons, to assist the injured party in defending his rights, and redressing his wrongs.


These are fundamental principles of Natural Law, which govern the most important transactions of man with man. Yet, children learn them earlier than they learn that three and three are six, or five and five ten. Their childish plays, even, could not be carried on without a constant regard for them; and it is equally impossible for persons of any age to live together in peace under any other conditions.


It would be no extravagance to say that, in most cases, if not in all, mankind at large, young and old, learn this Natural Law long before they have learned the meanings of the words by which we describe it. In truth, it would be impossible to make them understand the real meanings of the words, if they did not understand the nature of the thing itself. To make them understand the meanings of the words justice and injustice before knowing the nature of the things themselves, would be as impossible as it would be to make them understand the meanings of the words heat and cold, wet and dry, light and darkness, white and black, one and two, before knowing the nature of the things themselves. Men necessarily must know sentiments and ideas, no less than material things, before they can know the meanings of the words by which we describe them.


These conditions are simply these:


1.     First, that each man shall do, towards every other, all that justice requires him to do; as, for example, that he shall pay his debts, that he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its owner, and that he shall make reparation for any injury he may have done to the person or property of another.


2.     Second, that each man shall abstain from doing so another, anything which justice forbids him to do; as, for example, that he shall abstain from committing theft, robbery, arson, murder, or any other crime against the person or property of another.


So long as these conditions are fulfilled, men are at peace, and ought to remain at peace, with each other. Nevertheless, when either of these conditions is violated, men are at war. Moreover, they must necessarily remain at war until justice is re-established. Throughout all time, so far as history informs us, wherever mankind has attempted to live in peace with each other, both the natural instincts, and the collective wisdom of the human race, have acknowledged and prescribed, as an indispensable condition, obedience to this one only universal obligation: that each should live honestly towards every other.


The ancient maxim makes the sum of a man's legal duty to his fellow men to be simply this: "To live honestly, to hurt no one, to give to everyone his due."

This entire maxim is really expressed in the single words, to live honestly; since to live honestly is to hurt no one, and give to everyone his due.


Justice is a Natural Principle of Natural Law!


Justice as a natural principle, is necessarily an immutable one; and can no more be changed --- by any power inferior to that which established it --- than can the law of gravitation, the laws of light, the principles of mathematics, or any other Natural Law or principle whatever; and all attempts or assumptions, on the part of any man or body of men --- whether calling themselves governments, or by any other name --- to set up their own commands, wills, pleasure, or discretion, in the place of justice, as a rule of conduct for any human being, are as much an absurdity, an usurpation, and a tyranny, as would be their attempts to set up their own commands, wills, pleasure, or discretion in the place of any and all the physical, mental, and moral laws of the universe.

Section II.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law; is a matter of science, to be learned and applied like any other science. Therefore, to talk of either adding to, or taking from, it, by legislation, is just as false, absurd, and ridiculous as it would be to talk of adding to, or taking from, mathematics, chemistry, or any other science, by legislation.

Section III.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law; results in that nothing can be added to, or taken from, its supreme authority by all the legislation of which the entire human race united are capable. All the attempts of the human race, or of any portion of it, to add to, or take from, the supreme authority of justice, in any case, whatever, is of no more obligation upon any single human being than is the idle wind.

Section IV.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law; is the principle, or law, that tells us what rights were given to every human being at his birth; what rights are, therefore, inherent in him as a human being, necessarily remain with him during life; and, however capable of being trampled upon, are incapable of being blotted out, extinguished, annihilated, or separated or eliminated from his nature as a human being, or deprived of their inherent authority or obligation.



Section V.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law; it is necessarily the highest, and consequently the only and universal, law for all those matters to which it is naturally applicable. And, consequently, all human legislation is simply and always an assumption of authority and dominion, where no right of authority or dominion exists. It is, therefore, simply and always an intrusion, an absurdity, an usurpation, and a crime.


Section VI.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law; requires the principle of honesty, such principles as men's natural rights of person and property, then we have an immutable and universal law; a law that we can learn, as we learn any other science; a law that tells us what is just and what is unjust, what is honest and what is dishonest, what things are mine and what things are yours, what are my rights of person and property, and what are your rights of person and property, and where is the boundary between each and all of my rights of person and property and each and all of your rights of person and property.

This law is the paramount law, and the same law, over all the world, at all times, and for all peoples; and will be the same paramount and only law, at all times, and for all peoples, so long as man shall live upon the earth.

Section VII.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law is a science of justice without which there can be no science of government; and all the rapacity and violence, by which, in all ages and nations, a few confederated villains have obtained the mastery over the rest of mankind, reduced them to poverty and slavery, and established what they called governments to keep them in subjection, have been as legitimate examples of government as any that the world is ever to see.

Section VIII.

Justice as a natural principle of Natural Law is necessarily the only political principle there ever was, or ever will be; all the other so-called political principles, which men are in the habit of inventing, are not principles at all. They are either the mere conceits of simpletons, who imagine they have discovered something better than truth, and justice, and universal law; or they are mere devices and pretenses, to which selfish and knavish men resort as means to get fame, power, and money.




If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law, then every human being came into the world utterly destitute of rights; and coming into the world destitute of rights, he must necessarily forever remain so. For if no one brings any rights with him into the world, clearly, no one can ever have any rights of his own, or give any to another. And the consequence would be that mankind could never have any rights; and for them to talk of any such things as their rights, would be to talk of things that never had, never will have, and never can have any existence.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; there can be no such thing as dishonesty; and no possible act of either force or fraud, committed by one man against the person or property of another, can be said to be unjust or dishonest; or be complained of, or prohibited, or punished as such. In short, if there be no such principle as justice, there can be no such acts as crimes; and all the professions of governments, so-called, that they exist, either in whole or in part, for the punishment or prevention of crimes, are professions that they exist for the punishment or prevention of what never existed, nor ever can exist. Such professions are therefore confessions that, so far as crimes are concerned, governments have no occasion to exist; that there is nothing for them to do, and that there is nothing that they can do. They are confessions that the governments exist for the punishment and prevention of acts that are, in their nature, simple impossibilities.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; no such principle as honesty, no such principle as men's natural rights of person or property, then all such words as justice and injustice, honesty and dishonesty, all such words as mine and yours, all words that signify that one thing is one man's property and that another thing is another man's property, all words that are used to describe men's natural rights of person or property, all such words as are used to describe injuries and crimes, should be struck out of all human languages as having no meanings; and it should be declared, at once and forever, that the greatest force and the greatest frauds, for the time being, are the supreme and only laws for governing the relations of men with each other; and that, from henceforth, all persons and combinations of persons --- those that call themselves governments, as well as all others --- are to be left free to practice upon each other all the force, and all the fraud, of which they are capable.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; it is no principle at all. If it is not a natural principle, there is no such thing as justice.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; all that men have ever said or written about it, from time immemorial, has been said and written about that which had no existence.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; all the appeals for justice that have ever been heard, and all the struggles for justice that have ever been witnessed, have been appeals and struggles for a mere fantasy, a vagary of the imagination, and not for a reality.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; then there is no such thing as injustice, and all the crimes of which the world has been the scene, have been no crimes at all. But rather, only simple events, like the falling of the rain, or the setting of the sun; events of which the victims had no more reason to complain than they had to complain of the running of the streams, or the growth of vegetation.


If justice is not a natural principle of Natural Law; governments (so-called) have no more right or reason to take cognizance of it, or to pretend or profess to take cognizance of it, than they have to take cognizance, or to pretend or profess to take cognizance, of any other nonentity; and all their professions of establishing justice, or of maintaining justice, or of rewarding justice, are simply the mere gibberish of fools, or the frauds of imposters.



Section I.

Man, no doubt, owes many other moral duties to his fellow men; such as to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, care for the sick, protect the defenseless, assist the weak, and enlighten the ignorant. However, these are simply moral duties, of which each man must be his own judge, in each particular case, as to whether, and how, and how far, he can, or will, perform them. But of his Natural Law legal duty --- that is, of his duty to live honestly towards his fellow men --- his fellow men not only may judge but, for their own protection, must judge. Moreover, if need be, they may rightfully compel him to perform it. They may do this, acting singly, or in concert. They may do it on the instant, as the necessity arises, or deliberately and systematically if they prefer to do so, and the exigency will admit of it.

Section II.

Although it is the right of anybody and everybody --- of any one man, or set of men, no less than another --- to repel injustice, and compel justice, for themselves, and for all who may be wronged, yet to avoid the errors that are liable to result from haste and passion, and that everybody, who desires it, may rest secure in the assurance of protection, without a resort to force, it is evidently desirable that men should associate, so far as they freely and voluntarily can do so, for the maintenance of justice among themselves, and for mutual protection against other wrong-doers.

It is also in the highest degree desirable that they should agree upon some plan or system of judicial proceedings, which, in the trial of causes, should secure caution, deliberation, thorough investigation, and, as far as possible, freedom from every influence but the simple desire to do justice. Yet, such associations can be rightful and desirable only as far as they are purely voluntary. No man can rightfully be coerced into joining one, or supporting one, against his will. His own interest, his own judgment, and his own conscience alone must determine whether he will join this association, or that; or whether he will join any. If he chooses to depend, for the protection of his own rights, solely upon himself, and upon such voluntary assistance as other persons may freely offer to him when the necessity for it arises, he has a perfect right to do so.

This course would be a reasonably safe one for him to follow, so long as he himself should manifest the ordinary readiness of mankind, in like cases, to go to the assistance and defense of injured persons; and should also himself "live honestly, hurt no one, and give to every one his due." For such a man is reasonably sure of always giving friends and defenders enough in case of need, whether he shall have joined any association, or not.

Certainly, no man can rightfully be required to join, or support, an association whose protection he does not desire. Nor can any man be reasonably or rightfully expected to join, or support, any association whose plans, or method of proceeding, he does not approve, as likely to accomplish its professed purpose of maintaining justice, and at the same time avoid doing injustice. To join, or support one that would, in his opinion, be inefficient, would be absurd. To join or support one that, in his opinion, would itself do injustice would be criminal. Therefore, he must be left at the same liberty to join, or not to join, an association for this purpose, as for any other, according to his own interest, discretion, or conscience shall dictate.

An association for mutual protection against injustice is like an association for mutual protection against fire or shipwreck. And there is no more right or reason in compelling any man to join or support one of these associations, against his will, his judgment, or his conscience than there is in compelling him to join or support any other, whose benefits (if it offers any) he does not want, or whose purposes or methods he does not approve.

Section III.

No objection can be made to these voluntary associations upon the ground that they would lack that knowledge of justice, as a science, which would be necessary to enable them to maintain justice, and avoid doing injustice. Honesty, justice, and Natural Law is usually a very plain and simple matter, easily understood by common minds. Those who desire to know what it is, in any particular case, seldom have to go far to find it. It is true; it must be learned, like any other science. Nevertheless, it is also true that it is very easily learned. Although as illimitable in its applications as the infinite relations and dealings of men with each other, it is, nevertheless, made up of a few simple elementary principles, of the truth and justice of which every ordinary mind has an almost intuitive perception. In addition, almost all men have the same perceptions of what constitutes justice, or of what justice requires, when they understand alike the facts from which their inferences are to be drawn.



Section I.

Natural law, natural justice, being a principle that is naturally applicable and adequate to the rightful settlement of every possible controversy that can arise among men; being too, the only standard by which any controversy whatever, between man and man, can be rightfully settled; being a principle whose protection every man demands for himself, whether he is willing to accord it to others, or not; being also an immutable principle, one that is always and everywhere the same, in all ages and nations; being self-evidently necessary in all times and places; being so entirely impartial and equitable towards all; so indispensable to the peace of mankind everywhere; so vital to the safety and welfare of every human being; being, too, so easily learned, so generally known, and so easily maintained by such voluntary associations as all honest men can readily and rightfully form for that purpose --- being such a principle as this, these questions arise, viz.: Why is it that it does not universally, or well nigh universally, prevail? Why is it that it has not, ages ago, been established throughout the world as the one only law that any man, or all men, could rightfully be compelled to obey? Why is it that any human being ever conceived that anything so self-evidently superfluous, false, absurd, and atrocious as all legislation necessarily must be, could be of any use to mankind, or have any place in human affairs?

Section II.

The answer is, that through all historic times, wherever any people have advanced beyond the savage state, and have learned to increase their means of subsistence by the cultivation of soil, a greater or less number of them have associated and organized themselves as robbers, to plunder and enslave all others, who had either accumulated any property that could be seized or had shown, by their labor, that they could be made to contribute to the support or pleasure of those who should enslave them.

These bands of robbers, small in number at first, have increased their power by uniting with each other, inventing warlike weapons, disciplining themselves, perfecting their organizations as military forces, and dividing their plunder (including their captives) among themselves, either in such proportions as have been previously agreed on or in such as their leaders (always desirous to increase the number of their followers) should prescribe.

The success of these bands of robbers was an easy thing, for the reason that those whom they plundered and enslaved were comparatively defenseless; being scattered thinly over the country; engaged wholly in trying, by rude implements and heavy labor, to extort a subsistence from the soil; having no weapons of war, other than sticks and stones; having no military discipline or organization, and no means of concentrating their forces, or acting in concert, when suddenly attacked. Under these circumstances, the only alternative left them for saving even their lives, or the lives of their families, was to yield up not only the crops they had gathered, and the lands they had cultivated, but themselves and their families also as slaves.

Thenceforth their fate was, as slaves, to cultivate for others the lands they had before cultivated for themselves. Being driven constantly to their labor, wealth slowly increased, but all went into the hands of their tyrants.

These tyrants, living solely on plunder, and on the labor of their slaves, and applying all their energies to the seizure of still more plunder, and the enslavement of still other defenseless persons; increasing, too, their numbers, perfecting their organizations, and multiplying their weapons of war, they extend their conquests until, in order to hold what they have already got, it becomes necessary for them to act systematically, and cooperate with each other in holding their slaves in subjection.

But all this they can do only by establishing what they call a government, and making what they call laws.

All the great governments of the world --- those now existing, as well as those that have passed away --- have been of this character. They have been mere bands of robbers, who have associated for purposes of plunder, conquest, and the enslavement of their fellow men. And their laws, as they have called them, have been only such agreements as they have found it necessary to enter into, in order to maintain their organizations, and act together in plundering and enslaving others, and in securing to each his agreed share of the spoils.

All these laws have had no more real obligation than have the agreements that brigands, bandits, and pirates find it necessary to enter into with each other, for the more successful accomplishment of their crimes, and the more peaceable division of their spoils.

Thus substantially all the legislation of the world has had its origin in the desires of one class --- of persons to plunder and enslave others, and hold them as property.

Section III.

In process of time, the robber, or slaveholding, class --- who had seized all the lands, and held all the means of creating wealth --- began to discover that the easiest mode of managing their slaves, and making them profitable, was not for each slaveholder to hold his specified number of slaves, as he had done before, and as he would hold so many cattle, but to give them so much liberty as would throw upon themselves (the slaves) the responsibility of their own subsistence, and yet compel them to sell their labor to the land-holding class --- their former owners --- for just what the latter might choose to give them.

Of course, these liberated slaves, as some have erroneously called them, having no lands, or other property, and no means of obtaining an independent subsistence, had no alternative --- to save themselves from starvation --- but to sell their labor to the landholders, in exchange only for the coarsest necessaries of life; not always for so much even as that.

These liberated slaves, as they were called, were now scarcely less slaves than they were before. Their means of subsistence were perhaps even more precarious than when each had his own owner, who had an interest to preserve his life. They were liable, at the caprice or interest of the landholders, to be thrown out of home, employment, and the opportunity of even earning a subsistence by their labor. They were, therefore, in large numbers, driven to the necessity of begging, stealing, or starving; and became, of course, dangerous to the property and quiet of their late masters.

The consequence was, that these late owners found it necessary, for their own safety and the safety of their property, to organize themselves more perfectly as a government and make laws for keeping these dangerous people in subjection; that is, laws fixing the prices at which they should be compelled to labor, and also prescribing fearful punishments, even death itself, for such thefts and trespasses as they were driven to commit, as their only means of saving themselves from starvation.

These laws have continued in force for hundreds, and, in some countries, for thousands of years; and are in force today, in greater or less severity, in nearly all the countries on the globe.

The purpose and effect of these laws have been to maintain, in the hands of the robber, or slaveholding class, a monopoly of all lands, and, as far as possible, of all other means of creating wealth; and thus to keep the great body of laborers in such a state of poverty and dependence, as would compel them to sell their labor to their tyrants for the lowest prices at which life could be sustained.

The result of all this is, that the little wealth there is in the world is all in the hands of a few --- that is, in the hands of the law-making, slave-holding class; who are now as many slaveholders in spirit as they ever were, but who accomplish their purposes by means of the laws they make for keeping the laborers in subjection and dependence, instead of each one's owning his individual slaves as so many chattels.

Thus the whole business of legislation, which has now grown to such gigantic proportions, had its origin in the conspiracies, which have always existed among the few, for the purpose of holding the many in subjection and extorting from them their labor, and all the profits of their labor.

And the real motives and spirit which lie at the foundation of all legislation --- notwithstanding all the pretenses and disguises by which they attempt to hide themselves --- are the same today as they always have been. The whole purpose of this legislation is simply to keep one class of men in subordination and servitude to another.

Section IV.

What, then, is legislation? It is an assumption by one man, or body of men, of absolute, irresponsible dominion over all other men whom they call subject to their power. It is the assumption by one man, or body of men, of a right to subject all other men to their will and their service. It is the assumption by one man, or body of men, of a right to abolish outright all the natural rights, all the natural liberty of all other men; to make all other men their slaves; to arbitrarily dictate to all other men what they may, and may not, do; what they may, and may not, have; what they may, and may not, be. It is, in short, the assumption of a right to banish the principle of human rights, the principle of justice itself, from off the earth, and set up their own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its place. All this, and nothing less, is involved in the very idea that there can be any such thing as human legislation that is obligatory upon those upon whom it is imposed.



1. Sir William Jones, an English judge in India, and one of the most learned judges that ever lived learned in Asiatic as well as European law says: "It is pleasing to remark the similarity, or, rather, the identity, of those conclusions which pure, unbiased reason, in all ages and nations, seldom fails to draw, in such juridical inquiries as are not fettered and manacled by positive institutions." --- Jones on Bailments, 133.

He means here to say that, when no law has been made in violation of justice, judicial tribunals, "in all ages and nations," have "seldom" failed to agree as to what justice is.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

CNN Get's 861 Right

...For Once!

In the article here

in mentioning Actor Wesley Snipes :

8. Wesley Snipes
In 2006, the famous actor was indicted on conspiracy charges that alleged he falsified past tax returns. (He claimed he was due a refund of nearly $12 million.) The government alleges that Snipes claimed the refunds using the "861 argument," which states not all income is taxable. They also accused him of failing to file tax returns from 1999 to 2004.
He went to court earlier this year and was acquitted of the major conspiracy charge, but the court found him guilty of the three lesser misdemeanor charges for failing to file his tax returns. He faces up to three years in prison and will be sentenced on April 24 of this year.

CNN Got it completely correct!!!!!

Amazing how they simply stated "The government alleges that Snipes claimed the refunds using the "861 argument," which states not all income is taxable."

This is prcisely the fact, as even the first seven words of Section 61 states that not all income is gross income, as it is subject to ever exclusionary provision of Subtitile A; Except as otherwise provided in Subtitle A, gross income is....

Section 861 is in Subtitle A. So would that be something for discussion, argument, and even consideration in the jury that convicted Wesley Snipes?

Not if there is no exemption clause in section 861.

Well is there one?

The judge asked me that and I said not in the statutes, but in the regulations there is, and the Tax Court citing the U.S. SUpreme COurt stated that since the section 861 Regulations had not been significantly altered in well over 50 years that they were deemed law.

Did the Judge discuss this in his ruling against me?

Did the jury deliberate this in Wesley Snipes case?

Was this point of the law allowed to be brought up as Wesley Snipes good fith effort that was stimed by the government ignoring the law and acting criminally which then lead to his desperate efforts to protect his property/money?

I doubt it.

Still, Section 61 says not all income is gross income. Since section 63 defines taxable income as reliant upon the defeinition of gross income section 61, then IN FACT not all income is taxable, as taxable income does not include income exempted by Subtitle A.

So WOW! CNN told the truth. The law is clear. Not all income is taxable income because not all income is inculded in gross income.

One did not need to read section 861 to know this.

So why then do the IRS, judges, and juries not look at the law, like 861 which defines U.S. Sources subject to the income tax, when they are raised as a defense?

Why is the law not a defense?

Answer Number one: The IRS and Judges say any discussion of section 861 by U.S. Citizens is frivolous. Even though the case of Chevron v. Commissioner was about a U.S. Corporation which argued 861 regualtions, and the court held it binding for determining exempt income as well as source, and held the regualtions to be law since they had been effectively unlaters since at least the 1920's.

Answer Number Two: Because the Juries are lead to believe that it is ludicrious for any sane person to believe that not all income is taxable income, so that the jury does not investigate the law and find out what it really says.

Answer Number 3: The United States Department of Justice is instituting a New Project that labels anyone who questions its determinations of law to be a 'Tax Denier'. That is like a Holocaust Denier in Europe, who can be subject to criminal prosecution for speaking. Here will be like there. You can believe anything that you like, as long as you do not speak or publish your thoughts.

This is the present circumstance of Freedom, under a government that is supposed to be accountable to the People, who are supposed to enjoy, not endeavor through pitfalls of danger but enjoy, a free marketplace of ideas.

Is this Justice?

Is this the America that our girls and boys are dying for?

Is such Justice worth dying for? Now remember, this is the same Justice that had three forms of realtime evidence that the Marines at Haditha did not violate rules of engagement, but the Pentagon has moved forward to destroy these young people anyway.

Does such Justice deserve to prevail over a foreign enemy attacking the essence of our nation, which is ultimately our system of Justice?

I have answered that question. Most people never will.

It is too scary.

So what do the section 861 regualtions say that is so terrifying that the Department of Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, and the Lower Courts will lie and violate Human Rights in order to silence it?

I cannot tell you, because I have been federally enjoined from speaking.

But there are others.......

So now they are after Reverend Al;

So what do Reverend Al and Wesley Snipes have in common?

Both took a stand regarding the Rights of individuals in the face of big government.

Both are Black.

Mr. Snipes used the legal argument broken to the Public by me at NITE.ORG.

Rev. Al...I used to be his Lawn Boy.

Thurston Paul Bell

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

10 Ways YOU Can Fight Fascism Around the World

This is the best guide I can offer for proactive, prolonged, independent and effective resistance against the overwhelming direction towards greater warfare, poverty, and fascist control we see around the world in 2007.

I was asked by a weirdo I have a lot of respect for to write on this specific subject. I want this article to be as useful as possible, so I’m just going to lay things on the table as quickly and as clearly as I can.

Let’s begin by shaking off bad language—we tend to discuss politics using old metaphors, which are useless today and actually make understanding the problem more difficult. There is no Left and Right, there is no “inside the system” because none of us are “outside” of it, there is no change “from the bottom up” because there is no “top” to bring the change to.

We find ourselves up against an entrenched power structure composed of a relatively very small group of wealthy elites. They seldom rule directly or even visibly, and maintain their power through building huge armed bureacracies who enforce power for them. The global power structure is a decentralized, constantly shifting network of organized crime and national control systems, representing many different races, nationalities, religious dogmas and cultures.

However, there are common threads in all systems of social control: They do not have a sense of humor, they are bitterly opposed to Art, and they are unable to handle bizarre and confusing situations. These systems are built upon enforcing conformity, turning nature into consumer goods, and controlling information. These systems require enemies and they create criminals.

Because of these common threads, these systems all have common weakness that we have the power to exploit to incredible effect. If you take nothing else away from this, please remember: you are exponentially more powerful than you think you are.

The simplest summation of the overall strategy I propose is this:

1. Destabilize Existing Structure

2. Minimize Destructive Backlash

3. Establish Robust Communication

To this end, I propose 10 steps which form a conceptual toolkit. Perhaps that’s a euphemism for “disorganized pile of shit,” but I feel strongly that these are all relevant and useful:

1. Practice is repetition is preparation is power.

Can you win a fight? Can you control a situation enough to escape? Can you outrun police? I’m not saying you need to be able to knock someone out like Brad Pitt, but I am saying self-defense is a core life skill. Without it, you’re not effective. I recommend Aikido and Tai Chi to all living humans, unconditionally.

Establish meaningful and beneficial routines. Our culture is a constant pulse of imposed rhythms and rituals that we need to actively fight against to maintain clarity and effectiveness. Learning any skill set is amazingly simple: learn about it, then try it out until you get it. That iron-clad formula will guide you through anything, from juggling to fellatio to meditation.

2. Create situations that cannot be controlled.

I don’t propose that because it’s punk rock, but because I believe it’s a solid strategy. Ideally, in any confrontation, you want control of the situation. However, we’re talking about us, you and me as individuals, taking on the global power structure of Earth in 2007 for control of our planet. We are not in control of the situation, it is dumb to assume we could be. So go for the next best thing—be totally unpredictable, escalate chaos and noise, and create a situation that nobody could possibly control.

This is basically an unspoken bet with your opponent: “I am giving up control of this situation because I am faster, smarter and stronger than you.” Embrace chaos and leverage chaos, because what cannot be predicted cannot be controlled. Only a lawyer would pretend otherwise.

3. Do not allow yourself to be controlled by situations.

What do you do if someone puts a loaded gun in your face? Sure, that’s a heavy situation, but do you panic? I propose you remain calm and ask the human with the gun what they want. There is never any reason to panic. Self-assembling nanotech hunter-destroyer clusters swarming thousands of feet high, raining down human blood and internal organs, is still not a valid reason to panic. Panic is helpless idiot fear. In high stakes situations, you need to be calm and focused.

Horrible and amazing things will happen in the next five years, but you’re going to survive and maintain, just like humans always do. You yourself should make peace with death. I mean that honestly, not being sarcastic or macabre—it’s important for psychological health to keep your death in perspective. Avoiding it always leads to complications, and as I will discuss later, denial of death has been shown to make people more suggestible, afraid, and prone to violence.

4. Seek information, avoid arguments.

The only person responsible for getting you trustworthy information is you. This involves a great deal of work. Am I seriously advocating that you spend hours a day just sitting around learning stuff? Absolutely yes, I am. The wonderful Jennifer Bowen introduced me to the phrase “good company is kept discussing good ideas—not people.”

The internet is insanely effective for rapidly accessing high volumes of high quality information. It’s also a great way to spend four hours checking your email, watching porn, or getting into pointless arguments with total strangers. We all have egos, we all get pissed off occasionally, but don’t do that online: get up immediately and use that anger to lift some free weights.

5. Seek predictive models, avoid explanatory models.

I propose that it’s more important to have a general sense of what’s coming up next, than to have a precise picture of what’s going on now. The global power structure is not a monolithic, static object: it is constantly shifting, and while we focus on one tentacle, seven more will be taking advantage of our ignorance. An accurate history of this power structure is far less valuable than knowing how they operate, and what their assumptions are.

Remember, we’re living on the same planet. No amount of secret insider knowledge will spare you the consequences of catastrophic storms, toxic pollution, solar and lunar cycles, space weather radiation, etc. The global power structure has to respond and adapt to the world it claims to control, use the cycles of nature against them.

This is a massive source of power that few activists seem to be aware of: for the past three centuries, governments, militaries and corporations have been waging a very literal War Against Nature, attempting to control what they cannot understand. Recent documents like the UK Ministry of Defense report “Global Trends 2007-2036” make it clear that those in power cannot predict the short-term consequences of worldwide toxic pollution. They are scrambling to prepare for a future crisis they cannot plan for. You can, though.

6. Become an autonomous cell.

Do you realize that most of what “intelligence analysts” do is just read through publicly available media and look for patterns? Are you familiar with the concept, technique and theory behind “asymmetric warfare?” What do you think military analysts mean when they predict a future of “constant low-intensity urban conflict?” Is it signifigant that the US government has a long track record of inflitrating, subverting and murdering counter-culture icons and revolutionary leaders?

As Peter J. Carroll observed in Psybermagick: “In practice the power of any conspiracy rises and falls in inverse proportion to the power of its internal conspiracies. Mutual guilt and bribery mainly hold together conspiracies whose ideologies command insufficient loyalty, but this makes them vulnerable.” Take advantage of your opponents paranoia, use their need for control against them.

Autonomy also implies economic freedom, good health, and secure access to food. Shelter can of course be communal and improvised—in many climates, shelter is barely nescessary most of the year. Although I’m essentially advocating that we take the Army recruiting slogan, “an army of one,” further than they themselves ever will, I’m not avocating turning your back on anyone. I’m advocating that you work for your community, independently and perhaps invisibly.

7. Don’t be a dickhead, and love thy neighbor.

It’s the only rational approach to life: do your best to be nice. By doing so, you make life easier for those around you, you reduce physical stress that wears on your own body, and you will often find yourself reaping rewards at random. Some people call this “karma,” other folks call this “emergent properties of complex networks.”

Be nice to your neighbors. Help them out for no reason, refuse to accept money for doing so. Partly because real charity is subversive these days. Also, in 2007, you do not want the cops called on you, period. You truly do the world a favor when you purge yourself of terms like “sheeple” and “the herd”—I’ve also learned, through hilarious personal experience, that referring to taxpaying citizens as “slaves” will never work out for you.

There is nothing wrong with being selfish, only being dumb. Dumb selfish people look for simple self-benefit, smart selfish people look for open-ended, mutually beneficial situations. If you can improve your community, you have also improved your personal power base and your chances for long-term success. That’s not “public service,” just science, math and common sense.

8. Invest in tools and share them subversively.

The old Industrial Revolution plan for social control was simple. Wealthy families owned all the “capital goods”—the machines and factories that make consumer goods. So they used that power to hire poor people to work for them, in exchange for being able to purchase some of the “consumer goods” they themselves made. Things have changed a lot in 2007, because the line between capital and consumer goods has blurred almost completely. You can launch a record label with about $5000 and be pressing your own CDs, for instance.

Technology is magick. I think that’s become clear enough to just leave that as a statement. We now have the tools for invisibility, weather control, human cloning and burning entire cities to the ground with a single missile. We will soon have the tools for universal translation, undoing one of Jehovah’s major curses as chronicled in Genesis 11. It’s vitally important that us fringe weirdos get ahold of all these amazing future toys before they get turned into future weapons against us.

Sharing is subversive. Communal access to important tools is subversive. Growth is a sign of a healthy economy, profit is a sign of a sick one. Break the profit cycle everywhere you can. Nobody will go pay for a service or tool when they can use an equally good one locally, for free. You would be amazed how low overhead can be when maintenance is your only expense. You would be amazed how well you can maintain tools and facilities if you’re willing to put in work.

9. Become a Beacon of Insane Hope

Yeah, perhaps I’m reaching with this one, but I mean it emphatically. There is no shortage of people telling me how fucked I am, but I’ve spent the better part of a year tracking down people who are talking about solutions, comparing technique, and putting in work towards something better. I want to talk to people about seed bombs, quantum microdots, urban farming, water purification, anything that can improve reality, here and now.

There’s strong evidence that fear and anger are actively used as tools of manipulation and social control: the White House spent $1.6 billion dollars in 2006 on “public relations.” This is a signal that needs to be counteracted, becacause based on psychology experiments, evoking the concept of death alters human perception. People become more dogmatic, nationalist and likely to support violence. This is based on the research of Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski, and you can find more information searching for the phrase “Terror Management Theory.”

I am not advocating violence to any extent. Perhaps this is the strangest concept in my toolbag, but for what it’s worth: violence is actually not your weapon. Sure, you can throw rocks at cops, shoot cops, and blow up police stations, but you’re actually not accomplishing anything. In fact, you’re doing Their Job for them, which is why undercover police officers around the world try to start riots at peaceful protests. Violence is not a weapon we can control, so it’s not a weapon we should use, either.

10. Please, be fearless.

The stakes are beautifully high, the enemy is unbelievably strong, the fight looks completely hopeless. It’s too perfect, it’s ridiculous. How can we be bored on a planet as deliciously dangerous and insane as Earth? I can only conclude that my entire generation is living inside an open-ended video game that we’ve been training for since birth without even realizing it.

So keep pushing, stay calm, eat healthy, seek novelty, breathe deeply, take risks, think slowly, move quickly, speak clearly, fight dirty, dream crazy and please, be fearless.

Friday, February 01, 2008

New LDAF Liberty Dollar + Brown Memorabilia Up for Auction
This is the THIRD piece we're selling. The first ONE DOLLAR certificate sold for $61, and the second for $150. This is the first of only 2 TWENTY DOLLAR certificates being sold.
You are bidding on the third piece of the Liberty Dollar Arrest Fund (LDAF) Private Collection to go on eBay. The collection consists of the 82 remaining Liberty Dollar pieces owned by Shaun and Svetlana Kranish – the last known arrestees of the Liberty Dollar. Shaun and Svetlana were arrested in May of this year, in Walworth, WI, for offering a solid silver Liberty medallion at an outdoor ice cream shop. According to Bernard von NotHaus, this was only the fourth time in the nearly 10-year history of the Liberty Dollar that a user/owner was arrested. Shaun and Lana are also friends of Ed & Elaine of the family Brown, the well-known and well-respected members of the tax honesty movement who recently went to federal prison for refusing to pay income taxes. Shaun is the close friend of Ed & Elaine who the feds tragically used without his knowledge to introduce to Ed & Elaine the infiltrator who lead to their kidnapping. This auction includes memorabilia from their home, and is part of an ongoing fundraiser for their legal defense. for more info.

Mr. and Mrs. Kranish still face ongoing legal proceedings as well. For more information on this, you can visit They have been working with Bernard on resolutions. Now, Bernard finds himself a victim of the government (or should we say bankers – I suppose the terms can be used interchangeably) and is likely to face criminal charges. As you probably know, the Liberty Dollar offices and warehouses were raided and all platinum, gold, silver, copper, and any other metals/materials, records, computers, you-name-it were taken by the so-called “authorities.” Despite running this honest business for nearly 10 years, the government waited until just recently to make its big move. This move also curiously came after Bernard and the Liberty Dollar sued the government for statements released about the Liberty Dollar.

The fact of the matter is that every American has been victimized by our dishonest monetary and banking system. The use of fiat currency – “money” created almost out of thin air – literally worth less than the paper on which it’s printed, has caused our dollar to lose nearly 97% of its buying power in the last 100 years. The trend is continuing, and even accelerating at this point. Each and every day, more “money,” in the form of digital ones and zeros mostly, is injected into our economy, causing the buying-power of the dollar to drop further, and bringing it closer and closer to extinction.

Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution for the United States of America:
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;”

Unfortunately for all of us, since we borrow our paper, fiat, scrip money from the private banking cartel – the Federal Reserve – we no longer own our wealth. The States have allowed the federal government to pass off its borrowed paper as payments for debts. We carry debt notes – IOUs – promissory notes – whatever you want to call them. We carry these instead of GOLD or SILVER certificates or coins that one can actually own. We’ve traded our national wealth of gold and silver for this paper – the bankers conned us out of our money!

These are some of the reasons the Liberty Dollar was founded, and some of the reasons why the Liberty Dollar will continue, no matter what actions the so-called government takes in opposition to the Constitution.

Included in this auction, LDAF private collection piece #4 of 82:
· One $20 denoted 2006 series Liberty Dollar silver certificate, F019018, 2(two) of 3(three)
· One “Fraudulent Event Note” from the home of Ed and Elaine of the family Brown, given to Shaun and Lana as a gift on July the Fourteenth, this year
· Certificate of Authenticity for both items, with the collection piece serial #4 of 82, silver certificate serial F019018, and 2(two) of 3(three) for the certificate as part of this collection
· Display certificate for both notes
· All enclosed in a high-quality metal display frame 8.5” x 11” with built-in stand for free-standing, also wall-mountable, soft velvet backing
· The satisfaction of helping good people and good causes while owning a piece of history

A limited number of the 82-piece LDAF Private Collection will be sold on eBay. This collection has been created to raise money for three parties: Mr. and Mrs. Kranish, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, and Mr. von NotHaus. A portion of the proceeds from this auction will go to each party for their respective legal defense against the bankers/government.

Shaun, Lana, and the others behind this collection are still working to help Ed & Elaine while they are in prison. They are working to raise money for ongoing legal defense, as well as money to help make Ed & Elaine comfortable while in prison. Elaine has also been using her very limited commissary money in prison to buy items for less fortunate inmates. At least one lawyer has been hired at this point to help Ed & Elaine. More legal work will be necessary to see that they get a fair trial and are released from prison.

Bernard von NotHaus has authorized this collection. The silver Liberty Dollar rounds/medallions will feature his arrest hallmark and the certificates of authenticity will feature his signature.

Numbers in the collection:
· 82 total pieces in the collection – 1 Liberty Dollar medallion or silver certificate per collection piece – 82 total Liberty Dollar products.
· 7 total “Fraudulent Event Notes” from Ed & Elaine’s house. The 7 notes have been paired with 7 of the 82 collection pieces – 7 collection pieces feature a FEN from Ed & Elaine’s house.
· There are 5 silver certificates. Likewise, there are 77 silver medallions or rounds.
· THIS eBay auction features one of the 5 silver certificates. Only 2 more will be sold on eBay. This is 1 of only 4 framed silver certificates that will be sold on eBay.
· Only a portion of the 82 collection pieces will be featured on eBay. The rest will be sold to and held by other private collectors


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Granny Warriors Comment On NH Recount

Frozen out by Paypal

On January 16th, 2008 Granny Warrior says:

We had sent the money to the former attorney General in NH who was standing in the bank waiting for confirmation of the payment being on the way which it was. The money was removed from our account and by our thinking it was a done deal. a hour later we got a call that our chipin was not working. we checked and found the paypal account was locked. We have spent 5 hours providing all manner of verification to them about the account which is over 10 yrs old with never a flag on it. We had to stop at a centura bank in Alabama and get them to fax our statement to the paypal people proving I owned that account.? then they wanted more. then they said the social security number was associated with another account? That being mine, the same account as we had been advised to change my name on the account from my former name to my married name. We did and that sent every thing into a tizzy again. After hours and minutes on the phone all on over time ( cell phone) we managed to get confirmation that once the faxes had been received the account would be opened again.
The faxes were sent and there was something missing? we had to find another bank and get the entire copy of the last statement and send that in with the address etc on it. what a mess and nothing you told those people made a impression. Seems like someone had sent in a donation sortly after we notified everyone that the money had been raised and also tagged the donation with a suspicious transaction tag. below is the donation. I have a strong feeling we have been had.

Inquiry by PayPal - Case ID: PP-403-499-846
Status: Waiting For Seller's Response
Transaction ID: 00S01027UD303372F
Buyer Name & Email: Jerjis Alajaji,
Transaction Amount: $1,000.00 USD
Transaction Date: Jan. 15, 2008

I am hoping that with people calling nicely to the Sec of State he will bend and accept the funding.

What made it worse is Bev Haris and L. Landis and a couple of other women asked to be allowed to attend the first meeting between Albert and the Sec Of State and were allowed. They came in with a chip on their shoulder trying to force more than a vote count which was what we asked for. they totally ticked the Sec. Of State off and pushed him in a corner.

Albert said after the meeting he hugged the man and asked him to please not hold a grudge but evidently it didn't work. He then demanded the funds before 3 PM today. We had them there but they were stopped by the investigation of the donations. Now we are hoping with nice phone calls from people tomorrow he will relent and allow the count to go forward and accept the funds. Keep your fingers crossed.

We thank Bob for offering to pay for the recount and wish he had made that offer sooner. We may have been saved this mess. We will all have to be very careful in the future when meeting with the officials and learn to use some tact with them. Bev and Landis made it very difficult for us to proceed.

Granny Warrior

Editor's Note:
Click here to find out more about Jerjis Alajaji, the mysterious $1000 donation that was "flagged" by PalPal and which could have caused them to "freeze" the Granny Warrior's account.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Pictures Of ELaine's Prison In CT

Editor's Note: this is NOT Elaine's picture with Ed in prison - I just wanted visitors to have a good image to remember them by as you read Keith's message - see below.
Keith Champagne wrote:

i went to see elaine yesterday for the first time since her incarceration. i live about 2 1/2 hours from the danbury fci. i am happy to report that elaine is doing good! she has met a few friends inside and they are all working together to try to secure their releases. as women get out they are continuing to help the rest still inside.

she has also become very popular in her tier because of all the books we her supporters have been sending her. even books she doesnt read. she shares them with fellow inmates and those few books have earned her quite a bit of respect inside! she tells us she has to keep track of who
borrows what by writing it down. she has become the lending library of her tier so to speak. besides the loss of freedom she tells me that its not too bad inside, she did note that it seemed everyone was "lesbian" she said they called it "gay for the stay" and woman ask her in shock "you dont have a girlfriend?" it is the only time i have ever seen elaine flustered! she said when she fist got there there were a couple of guards that made comments
like "i bet you wish you paid your taxes now huh" but once she got inside it was the inmates who recognized her as the lady on t.v.! she is lonely... she wants letters she tells us they are like gold to her. she loves hearing from people and more and more people are
writing now.
she said she is responding to all letters she recives, she also told me she received the package i sent her of the 60 or so fair trial protest photos, she said i have no idea how much they meant to her! to know that people out here still care! and to the penn. ron paul meetup guys and gals that helped with that,
thank you so much! she singled out your photo as really impressing her! "bearing arms for freedom" so to speak! photos with guns arent supposed to get through but all of yours did maybe because of the quantity of them and a lazy prison employee i dont know but thanks again. and to everyone else, please help us if you can by sending us your photos we need them for the start of the freedom four trial on 1/28. we need to represent as many people as possible at
their trial. the first ever photo protest!

elaine wants everyone to know she is doing ok and she appreciates all the support and letters she has been getting. she feels she has done her part and now it is up to us to continue. she knows that if her and ed hadnt done what they did there would be thousands less people that were awakened to the tyranny in our government.

on a side note if there are any browns supporters/ patriots in connecticut willing to visit with elaine please let me know and we will help you get on her list. she really would like to have visits from people to stay sane. someone to talk to about everyday things....regular friends. if anyone is willing to provide elaine with a shoulder please get in touch with us. thanks!

keith champagne


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Message from Ron (12/17/07)

What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this vast outpouring of support.

On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407 individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors. And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized, independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing about!

The establishment is baffled and worried, and well they should be. They keep asking me who runs our internet fundraising and controls our volunteers. To these top-down central planners, a spontaneous order like our movement is science-fiction. But you and I know it's real: as real as the American people's yearning for freedom, peace, and prosperity, as real as all the men and women who have sacrificed for our ideals, in the past and today.

And how neat to see celebrations all across the world, with Tea Parties from France to New Zealand. This is how we can spread the ideals of our country, through voluntary emulation, not bombs and bribes. Of course, there were hundreds in America.

As I dropped in on a cheering, laughing crowd of about 600 near my home in Freeport, Texas, I noted that they call us "angry." Well, we are the happiest, most optimistic "angry" movement ever, and the most diverse. What unites us is a love of liberty, and a determination to fix what is wrong with our country, from the Fed to the IRS, from warfare to welfare. But otherwise we are a big tent.

Said the local newspaper: "The elderly sat with teens barely old enough to vote. The faces were black, Hispanic, Asian and white. There was no fear in their voices as they spoke boldly with each other about the way the country should be. Held close like a deeply held secret, Paul has brought them out of the disconnect they feel between what they know to be true and where the country has been led."

Thanks also to the 500 or so who braved the blizzard in Boston to go to Faneuil Hall. My son Rand told me what a great time he had with you.

A few mornings ago on, I saw a YouTube of a 14-year-old boy that summed up our whole movement for me. This well-spoken young man, who could have passed in knowledge for a college graduate, told how he heard our ideas being denounced. So he decided to Google. He read some of my speeches, and thought, these make sense. Then he studied US foreign policy of recent years, and came to the conclusion that we are right. So he persuaded his father to drop Rudy Giuliani and join our movement.

All over America, all over the world, we are inspiring real change. With the wars and the spying, the spending and the taxing, the inflation and the credit crisis, our ideas have never been more needed. Please help me spread them in all 50 states. Victory for liberty! That is our goal, and nothing less.

